Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I know. It's been awhile! Sorry :(
Friends, I have much to share. The past month has been full and amazing and challenging and, well, different. I am learning so much.
What I am learning:
- A life can be as hectic, empty, miserable, and unsatisfying as you are willing to allow. No matter where you dwell.
- The presence of bounty and unlimited good things (food, recreation, etc) doesn't always lead to a lust for more (you know, how we're always told o0nce you have some you just want more, etc?). Been able to choose can actually lead to an awareness of what you want, what you actually value, what's worth the time/effort/cost/energy. Interesting.
- We are not called to please everyone. We are not called to 'look busy'. We cannot be at peace if we only strive to busily please everyone ;) Figure out what's worth it. What's worth pushing in a few extra hours of work. Decide what is 'work'. What's worth staying up past midnight? Figure out what constitutes a conflict and what needs to be let go, or casually talked about over coffee.
- Learn how to ask a question instead of tell it.
- Be tidy.
- Stop and see where you are. Be there.
Monday, August 17, 2009
It's been awhile! Sorry!
Last night I was presented with a reminder to live well, embrace those lives dear to me, and keep short accounts of all issues, questions, and burdens. I decided to teach myself how to ride the dirtbike and, upon finding that I was SO awesome at it ;), decided to head down the road on a zippy little adventure. Long story short: I hit the dirt. Bike spinning, helmet plowing, and bare arms skidding, I plastered myself onto the gravel road. It hurt. It scared me. It reminded me that one can never know when that conversation or phone call or lack of was the last.
This afternoon I'm stiff and scraped and exhausted, but I'm in one piece and enjoying my sweet life with my family. Who knows? Maybe a little faster or a forgotten helmet... today might have looked much different.
Thank you for sharing life with me today.