Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well friends, it's done. 'Of Gypsies & Cowboys' is now hosted at:


I'm still setting it up and working on the details, but it should soone be all pretty and polished.
I invite you to head over there and check it out. Instead of Blogger's 'following' option there's a 'subscribing' option and it would be fantastic to have you join up :)
Without droning about details, I'm working to establish a writing and presence and platform through the site. I would deeply appreciate your interaction, feedback, and community as I work towards specific goals (and dreams!) involved with this project.
Thanks again, see you at wordpress!

How do you like the new template? I am, quite obviously, in the midst of some blog renovations :) Here's the thing: Looking ahead to some of my goals with writing, the current publishing market, and my absolute enjoyment of the blogging community, I'm hoping to develop a more 'reader friendly' blog platform. I want to interact more effectively, share our background and story more easily (without forcing people to scroll through 108 posts!), and have a look and feel which is both professional and personal. I'm currently hovering between this blogspot zone, a typepad investment, and a wordpress option. Any thoughts?
There are so many pros and cons with each, ranging from cost to ease of use to template features. I've already invested FAR too much time on this and am losing valuable time actually writing, so I need to get this tied up right away.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Happy blogging!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hello and happy Saturday!

It seems that the weekends have been slipping away without a pause or even an awareness that, techinically, we're allowed to stop and just 'be' for a minute. We're still scrambling to find a sense of flow and routine up on this mountain and until we are really on top of all the tasks and chores we dare not stop. Our goal is to have our days sketched out enough that we can enable this unique ranch to be a place of beauty and flow, while enabling our own family to experience deep rest, creativity, and connection. So far this new year, the chores are happening and the days are starting to gain a bit more structure, but the rest, creativity, and connectedness are still but stars far far away. Still, our work is fun and we're sleeping in Augusta so really, things are looking up :)

While I don't have the endless writing hours which I crave, I do have a solid hour all alone each morning to create new pages in my head. Now, the fact that this hour is spent with a fork and wheelbarrow hauling pounds of frozen manure in -20 wind and snow has not yet dampened the fantastic flow of words and storylines emerging. I do wonder what a passerby wpuld think if they were to see me skipping through the snow and hore nuggets in short pants and wellies, pausing ponder word choice or to laugh aloud at a perfectly crafted phrase ;)

Anyways. Busy busy days ahead. Workers and friends will be coming and going today through next weekend. We're trying to savour this last hour with some time over stories, coffee, and conversation near the fire.

And on we go.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

As mentioned in other posts, songs and sound lyrics have played a special role in our journey. This one, acquired through a Starbucks AIDS support disc, has been playing a lot lately. It's one for the beginning of our journey and one that keeps things light as we move along. (Dave Matthews)
Wanna pack your bags, Something small

Take what you need and we disappear
Without a trace we'll be gone, gone
The moon and the stars can follow the car
and then when we get to the ocean
We gonna take a boat to the end of the world
All the way to the end of the world

You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes (x2)
You and I, we're not tied to the ground
Not falling but rising like rolling around
Eyes closed above the rooftops
Eyes closed, we're gonna spin through the stars
Our arms wide as the sky
We gonna ride the blue all the way to the end of the world
To the end of the world

Oh, and when the kids are old enough
We're gonna teach them to fly
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes
We can always look back at what we did
All these memories of you and me baby
But right now it's you and me forever girl
And you know we could do better than anything that we did
You know that you and me, we could do anything
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yeah, yeah
Two of us together, we could do anything, baby
You and me together yeah, yeah
Two of us together yeah, yeah
Two of us together, we could do anything, baby

to reach the end of the world

Hello Friends :)

You know what is just awesome? The unexpected sense of community which is growing out of this blog. Who would've thought? ;) Honestly, for all the cristicism and bizarre things that come out of online interactions, I am currently seeing even more of the positive points.
I'm not sure when the shift came. At one point I was just publicly journalling the bizarre step we were taking in our life. Then I started reading what I was writing and seeing just how crazy it all was. Now, I'm chopping veggies and chattering to J about this new peer or that point of feedback, and laughing with my MOM (hi mom :) ) about the events and photos posted on here. Very cool.
I received a TypePad subscription for Christmas (the platform that the 'real' bloggers use ;) ). I want to get it set up but I want to be sure I can import all this stuff over. I mean, I'm only now building a group of followers and comments and I don't want to start from scratch, so I'm hoping it will be a smooth shift. Ideally I'll be ready for 'the move' in February.
J and Jem were chatting while I prepped supper (a glorious pub-grub fare this evening) and in their banter and story time he asked sweet Jem, "faith can move mountains, but can mountains move faith?" I stopped and laughed as it was such a perfect question. How often do we boost on our beliefs and ideals and 'faith', but then cringe and falter and allow obstacles to move us? Oh the things that come through conversation with children.
What a random post! Truth be told, I just feel so carefree and would love to chat about all kinds of things with the collective 'you' out there. Today began so shadowed and limited but the afternoon brought light and laughter as my son and i danced and cooked together while J worked (and worked and worked....) on the ranch grounds. The evening is beautiful and I feel as though I have fallen into a perfectly illustrated story book. My husband is washing the dishes, the fire is glowing, my sweet bambine is tucked away, and I have a hours ahead to create with words and then snuggle down with books or a show or perhaps a piece of chocolate.

Anyways. Whatever random points this day has presented to you, i wish you laughter and energy to embrace them with adventure and glee.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Today was neat: Blankets of fresh snow greeted us and I decided it was time to learn how to drive the tractor. Jeremy patiently walked me through it and sat along while I did my first trial of snow clearing. Fun! This was followed by many intense hours with my teething and sick and all-or-nothing child who eventually found some respite in finger paiting. Now, chickpea curry and hopefully a large glass of wine!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The past couple of days have been enlightening and helpful.
In our days of settling into home, attempting the start of a 'fresh new year', and recognizing our desperate need for rest, we were confronted with unexpected criticism and discouraging reviews. In the midst of it and with back-to-back loyalty, we were thankful for the interaction. Eagar to apply what we've learned and serve those around us with gladness, we've being reminded again how confusing life on earth can be. It's a little tricky, but I can now say that I truly am ready for anything. Well.... no, I can't, but I'm getting closer to being open to anything that comes in form of voice or thought or experience.

I suppose we really never know what will be presented to us. We can not control the actions and attitudes of others, we just can't. But we can and must have our own attitudes in hand. I am forever responsible for my reactions, responses, and 'next steps'. I am responsible to be in good conscience, no matter what. So I will :)

On the flip side, this past week I also received several encouraging messages and notes from readers of this blog. THANK YOU so much for the kind words and the sense of community and shared life you have gifted me with. I welcome notes like these and would love to know if you have been following along on this journey.

Anyways. Our yummers dinner of lentil burgers and salad is done and we are nearing baby bed time. The snow is still falling and we will be shovelling and plowing most of the day tomorrow. But now, to the home fire and the love near it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3rd and it's a beautiful morning! I just went and stood on our infinished veranda and was stunned by the view; thick frost, fog, mountains, and shafts of sunlight sparkling through it all. Gorgeous.

One of the challenging and blessed things about stepping into January is the undeniable obligation to move ahead. It's not 'that year' anymore. That's done, it's over. I am not invited to wallow, I am not asked to focus on what was but on what may be. There is no benefit in letting my mind root itself in the shadows while denying the light that is causes them. As one songwriter perfectly states, "The shadows prove the sunshine" How utterly fantastic.  For all the processing and mourning and difficulties presented within our journey, I can say with confidence that it was well worth it and we will rejoice. It's a fresh morning, a morning to let things roll away and to embrace the beauty ahead. Great things have been done and our road remains open, 'To high places by narrow roads!'

Friends (for whether I know you are reading this or not, we are friends and fellow travllers), I invite you to consider the path ahead this year. Many many peers have walked in the shadows these past 12 months and many have shadows ahead, but for today I pray light and life to your road and the freedom to see the good in the difficult.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2nd. How bland! If I were a calendar date I would not want to be January 2nd. What can this date offer? Increased girths, first day of the dreaded diet, arrival of the credit card bill from last months consumption, stale hangovers, back-to-work, dry trees, dirty snow. Ha!
The full-out application of the New Year. January 1st is totally a practice round as it's still all glowing and festive, but the 2nd, well, that's when the fresh calendar gets down to business.

Anyways. I'm a little unsure where to go in my writing these next months as anything following the last 12 seems rather dull. I have no wish for some dramatic event to share with you next week or month; I'm really quite content to bunker down and dissapear for awhile. However, life will happen so away we go.
