Monday, May 4, 2009

Since becoming a mama, and even moreso, since embarking upon the adventure of the last several months, I have found that I my mind resembles a large and kitten-tossed ball of yarn. Ideas, frustrations, questions, artistic notions, theological reflections, sleep deprivation, hormones, emotions, images, etc., are all tangled about without apparent order or end.

I'm not much a fan of this yarn-balled-life.

The past few days have been especially tangled. In business we have experienced some very prounounced 'ups' (an exciting 'official' account with a shop purchasing 20 lbs of beans, an offer from a group with a potential for significant return), as well as some very difficult 'downs' (pre-inspection rejection of our site, financial realities, delayed products and orders). In the day-to-day it is much the same; inspiring conversation and connection partnered with broken sleep paired with non-stop days mingling with sunshine and garden moments leading to walks and talks connecting to intense arguements coupled with distance from friends and family members leading to.... Yeah.
Ha, and even now, I can feel it. I have thoughts, even some good ones(!), and I can't even begin to articulate them. I'm tired, inspired, drained, and hopeful. So...what's the main thing? What do I want to actually communicate? Hm.

Anyways. I made a gorgeous sweet potatoe pie/souffle thing tonight. It was simply delicious. For now, that's that. Tomorrow: package coffee, love my baby, choose life.


D' said...

But balls of yarn make such beautiful things... (-:
It just takes time.