Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hello and happy Saturday!

It seems that the weekends have been slipping away without a pause or even an awareness that, techinically, we're allowed to stop and just 'be' for a minute. We're still scrambling to find a sense of flow and routine up on this mountain and until we are really on top of all the tasks and chores we dare not stop. Our goal is to have our days sketched out enough that we can enable this unique ranch to be a place of beauty and flow, while enabling our own family to experience deep rest, creativity, and connection. So far this new year, the chores are happening and the days are starting to gain a bit more structure, but the rest, creativity, and connectedness are still but stars far far away. Still, our work is fun and we're sleeping in Augusta so really, things are looking up :)

While I don't have the endless writing hours which I crave, I do have a solid hour all alone each morning to create new pages in my head. Now, the fact that this hour is spent with a fork and wheelbarrow hauling pounds of frozen manure in -20 wind and snow has not yet dampened the fantastic flow of words and storylines emerging. I do wonder what a passerby wpuld think if they were to see me skipping through the snow and hore nuggets in short pants and wellies, pausing ponder word choice or to laugh aloud at a perfectly crafted phrase ;)

Anyways. Busy busy days ahead. Workers and friends will be coming and going today through next weekend. We're trying to savour this last hour with some time over stories, coffee, and conversation near the fire.

And on we go.