Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm considering wearing a placard that states,
"I am not trying to rip you off. I am not a franchise or corporation. My intentions are not as evil as you believe them to be."

It's a tough world out there for teeny family-based businesses. Wow.
I just completed another call to another church. (Note: Churches brew a ton of coffee, it's apparently a great way to keep people alert during the service and coming back for more. Ergo, sell coffee to churches and let them support something good with what they brew) Unfortunately, all the groups we have contacted seem either offended or terrified once they realize we're not looking for salvation or membership. (sigh). There are currently some fairly large groups paying Starbucks some fairly large coin, so why is it so crazy to think that they could purchase their beans from a local company instead? We're even offering the same services for a lesser price, just for these groups.
It just leaves a funny taste in my mouth when their tone changes and they shut us out as fast as they can. Should I change my placard to, "Your pew, my brew?" Hm.

We've been up since 5:00am today with Jem being one busy busy boy. We're getting some good work done though, and even had some nice family time in the garden. Jem appears to love the outdoors and her creatures, which is such a delight to me :) I'm hoping to host his first birthday in the yard so we can enjoy the air and sun and his first (homemade organic) cake.

The apple, pear, and cherry trees are in full bloom. I love it! We visited each tree this morning and enjoyed their silky petals. Jemah gave the sweetest little laughs when his cheeks were touched by them. How I love my son! It's hard to believe that this time last year he was still nestled deep in my body and I had not yet met him face to face. Hm, who would have thought that we'd be where we're at a year later?

Well, happy Tuesday friends. The next hours hold more phone calls and lots of searching for packaging options online. We want to find (affordable!) little boxes for the chocolate covered beans, as well as boxes for our May addition; GreenValley giftboxes.

Oh the coffee I would trade to sleep as long as I wanted in a huge soft bed!


Jamie said...

Quote: "I'm considering wearing a placard that states,
'I am not trying to rip you off. I am not a franchise or corporation. My intentions are not as evil as you believe them to be.'"

Been there.

Try suggesting to people that you might be able to help them with their finances. Then you will REALLY lose friends fast.

Even when it's something worth selling, selling sucks.